MacDaddy LED Shrimping Light Review
- Dec, 20, 2013
- leenoga
- Hot Buttons Of Mine
MacDaddy LED Shrimping Light Review MacDaddy LED shrimping Light Review has been written because this light has been bootlegged, ripped off and copied in 2013, 8 months after this light went viral in the market place. It is important you understand the features innovated by LumaSea Underwater lighting. The first company to engineer the 3 […]
Catching Shrimp – Addiction VS. Reason
- Apr, 29, 2013
- leenoga
- Hot Buttons Of Mine, World According To Me
Catching Shrimp They say catching shrimp is addicting. Folklore describes this phenomenon as a fever that rages within our blood with the most prominent symptom being brain “disorientation”. Maybe it is this “disorientation” that explains why anglers back down their boats with their headlights on knowing they are blinding those waiting at the top of […]
Night Shrimping Pisses Me Off
- Apr, 19, 2013
- leenoga
- Hot Buttons Of Mine
Shrimping Justice
- Apr, 14, 2013
- leenoga
- Hot Buttons Of Mine
Shrimping Justice Where is the river shrimping justice? We police ourselves when there is no money or resources available to enforce the laws. More and more confrontation is being reported to myself from the local waters. Maybe its the economy, maybe its boaters with entitlement issues but …I am standing in the sand about to […]
Cell Phones Kill People
- Apr, 11, 2013
- leenoga
- Hot Buttons Of Mine
Cell Phones Kill People Sad When Phones Kill Anglers Monday April 1st, 2013- 3 anglers where struck on the relief bridge of Eue Gallie Bridge by a driver who was engaged in text messaging. Two of the anglers, Justin Mitchell (25) and Ron Garett Vicarro (24) died at the scene. The survivor, Jeff VanReenan (41) […]