Capt Lee Noga – Patented Innovator – Product Developer & Educator
Education – B.S. Mangement/Business 1993, A. S. Computer Science 1991. Licensed USCG OUPV 6 pack boat Captain from Edgewater, Florida, 2008.
Currently – She has innovated the first computer driven 7 mode fishing/shrimping light smart light incorporating her research on manipulating biologicals using light frequencies. Climate change has affected our winters in Florida with higher water temperatures. She has been awarded 7 patents including both utility and design for this smart fishing light. Top selling light in the sport of shrimping.
Awards – 2023 Platinum Business Empowerment award (Business Hall Of Fame Volusia County) presented by the Deland Mayor in the category of women owned/Community impact & development.
Background – She stood on grass fields in 2008 to teach the sport of shrimping sharing here research for free. In 2023, 15 years later, she is credited with changing the sport by infusing science and technology. This impact extends beyond rural Florida and has gone National. She is regarded as the top expert in recreational shrimping. Her teachings are widely accepted as the methodology for success. She has one of the largest Facebook forums in the sport of fishing.
Social Media – Facebook forum at
Fishing & Shrimping Light Patents
Patents – (7) Design patents awarded, 1 Utility patent (smart fishing light)
Her story was told on Breaking Glass Ceilings In Florida ( illustrating the cruelty from within the sport of fishing as her star was rising as she became a symbol of power. TV Show (FOX Sports Network) – 2016

This TV is show host Chad Crawford and Capt Lee Noga who mentor both Chad and his son Chase on how to shrimp in Oak Hill, Florida. This show aired 8/7/2016 and is in reruns.

Capt Lee Noga has been featured on the TV show, “Average Anglers” Bright House sports cable TV network in 2011. The show covered the art of summer shrimping in Daytona Beach. This show still repeats from time to time on Sunday nights at 7pm.
Salt Strong -2018 PODCast radio – Topic of Shrimping (available iTunes)
Salt Strong is an educational phenom born out of passion, a blog and exposure via YouTube. The two Brothers quit 6 digit jobs to bring education to anglers using radio, social media, Facebook, and high end published materials available for purchase. In 2018 Capt Lee & Joe Simonds (founder) discuss shrimping and the evolution of the good and the bad (1.5 hours). Click here to listen to the podcast.
AVetProject.Org – American Warrior radio 2015
Guest in April 2015 discussing the mission of Capt Lee Noga. Fast forward video to 9:30 seconds. She discusses the evolution of shrimping and pledges long term commitment to evolving sport.

Currently, Capt Lee Noga writes for 3 regions of Coastal Angler Magazine. These regions include Orlando, Volusia County and Brevard County. She has been writing this popular column since 2008. Column covers whats going on in the area that is NOT hook and line (shrimping, scalloping, lobstering and gator hunting).
Forbes magazine released an article on on 11 September 2014 featuring Capt Lee Noga. It is a story of courage & tragedy. The price she has paid to evolve the sport of shrimping as a woman in a man’s sport.
Florida Sportsman print magazine covered Capt Lee Noga in Sept 2011, “Rise Of The Prawns” by Peter Slis. Florida Sportsman print magazine August 2013 & 2014 – “Hot White Summer Shrimp” by Peter Slis


Lead story August 21st, 2014, News Journal newspaper front page. Capt Lee was asked to take the reporters out to show them how summer cast net shrimping is done in Daytona. She is considered to be the Florida’s leading recreational shrimping expert.
Dan Smith a popular Volusia County weekly angler columnist has talked about Capt Lee Noga on a few occasions in his column for the Hometown News.