Make Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle

Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle

Bridge shrimping dip net handle is a common necessity for those in South Florida who buy hoops from out of the area. Central Florida can ship the hoop (go back to website menu for nets and get phone numbers) but you must engineer some sort of handle. This page is going to give you 2 options to accomplish this. Call local aluminum companies for pipe.

 Our solution was to ship the rim and sock to S. Florida and let you engineer some form of a handle. Some people use telescopic pool cleaning handles but I would imagine they are heavy.
An Academy of Shrimping member  found a company in  Ft. Lauderdale an aluminum distributor. They are willing to sell small quantities of round 1″ aluminum tubing at a reasonable price… $1.25 per ft.  The stock 1″ round tubing comes in 24′ lengths so he bought 2 lengths (for two 20′ nets) and then cut them into 10 foot sections.

Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle Suggestions-

  • Home Depot – Unger Poles (Telescopic 8-20 foot under $35). Members have been successful in taking the hoop rim and adapting this to the unger pole. I have never seen the finish product but have heard of shrimpers talk about it in S. Florida.
  • Aluminum Distributing, Inc. – 2930 SW 2nd Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33315
    1-866-825-927. Will sell (1) piece of aluminum $1.25 per foot (24 foot long) with 1 inch handle.
Make Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle

The Academy Of Shrimping member shared how he made his own long shrimping dip net. This gent decided on using 1 inch sections of 10 foot pipe to lighten the pole.

And rather than use 1 1/4″ tubing AND 1″ tubing for a telescoping setup… he decided to go with 1″ (1/16 wall) tubing for the entire 20 feet keeping it light weight.

Ten feet of the 1 1/4 tubing on the other hand seemed to add too much weight to the setup which presumably would get rather heavy after holding onto it for hours on end.

Make Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle
He  joined the two 10′ pieces of 1″ round tubing together . He bolted on a 12″ sleeve made of 1.25″ aluminum to act as a joint to join his 2 sections of 1 inch pipe. The 1/25″ is next size up and it acts as a coupling.
Make Bridge Shrimping Dip Net Handle -

A picture of the end screw eyes for tying a rope onto (and the other end of the rope to the bridge railing) to prevent loss of the net if the user happens to momentarily lose their grip.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida aluminimum distributor will sell small qty of pipe handles.

Aluminum Distributing, Inc.
2930 SW 2nd Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33315


  • 1″ x .062 round aluminum tube… $1.25 per foot (sold only in 24 foot lengths)
  • 1 1/4″ schedule 40 aluminum pipe (for splicing) – $3.00 per foot.
  • Splices are 12″ each ( 1 1/4″ aluminum pipe) which bind the two 10 foot 1″ round pieces together in the middle.

Closer Look Eyelet Build

The screw eyes on the end of the pole is to attach a rope, and the other end of the rope is tied to the bridge rail, just in case the net gets away from you.  This way, you don’t lose your net.
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I would imagine that a 20 foot pole can get rather heavy after a while, and you only want to lift it from the water when it’s time to dump your catch.
The chain wraps around the bridge rail and the clamp on the pole can easily be adjusted so that the net can be positioned in a hanging position at a convenient height above the surface of the water.